
Laval's Cosmodôme promotes a digital activity

Customer service
General public
Qr code

Finding a way to promote activities

The Laval Cosmodôme offers its visitors a range of activities available at the ticket counter. While some of these are already well known to visitors, others are new to the museum, such as the Cosmo Mission.

A recent creation at the Cosmodôme, the team wanted a way to promote its activities other than through the box office or website.

Integrating activity promotion into the museum space

The Cosmodôme's idea was to place enriched labels on the glass separating the museum space from the activity room. When museum guests visit the permanent exhibition, they can observe the activity in progress through the glass panels. On the glass itself, at eye level, the Cosmodôme has hung a poster inviting visitors to use their phone to find out more about the Cosmo Mission.

After scanning the QR code or activating the NFC chip, visitors have access to a text, photo and video preview. They are also invited to go to the ticket office to buy a ticket if they wish to experience the Cosmo Mission.


Scan or click the code to see a sample

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