Saying Good-Bye to Equipment Management

Getting rid of audio guides, not the content
In the spring of 2019, the Marguerite-Bourgeoys Historic Site was looking for a new way to offer its visitors audio content that would be easier for staff to handle. Up until that time, they’d been handing out audio guides.
The museum needed a solution that would let them continue to offer the same content. What Site Director Jean-François Royal no longer wanted was the equipment that went with it and all the work: lending, collecting, recharging, repairing, replacing, repurchasing, and managing audio guides.
The content goes straight to users’ mobile phones
The Marguerite-Bourgeoys Historic Site was able to simply transfer all its audio files directly onto the MySmartJourney platform. With QR codes and NFC tags, visitors access the content directly on their phones. Museum staff have no audio equipment to hand out or take back, to clean or recharge, no matter how many visitors they’ve welcomed.
Furthermore, the museum has bolstered its digital content with images, archives, videos, text, even quizzes, making the visitor experience even more engaging.
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Pioneers in the use of our platform, Jean-François Royal, Director of the Marguerite-Bourgeoys Historic Site, and his team have seen it evolve over the last few years.
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