The Cosmodôme de Laval supports its queuing customers

Improving visitor waiting times
During busy periods, visitors to the Cosmodôme de Laval can find themselves queuing at the ticket office and in the waiting areas for various activities. To offer a quality visit and keep children's attention, the Cosmodôme came up with the idea of creating a digital experience that can be played on the phone.
A digital experience to keep visitors' attention
Placed on a rack that can be easily moved to suit the museum's needs, the QR code-enhanced poster invites visitors to scan and try their hand at building their own glider. The content allows visitors to virtually create a glider, download a kit to create a physical one, and a video that also presents the assembly steps.
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Le Cosmodôme de Laval bonifie le contenu de son exposition permanente
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Le Cosmodôme de Laval promeut une activité avec du numérique
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Ajouter un quiz numérique à une exposition avec le Cosmodôme de Laval
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Le Cosmodôme de Laval recrute grâce au numérique
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