Vallée-du-Richelieu enhances its content through the use of the "random" function

Surprising the passerby
In its 13 municipalities, Tourisme Vallée-du-Richelieu has installed 50 digital tourist terminals. Their role is to attract strollers with colorful displays and encourage them to discover the region.
In order to encourage tourists to explore activities, places, and businesses in the region, the team had the idea of integrating an element of surprise by using one of the functionalities offered by MySmartJourney.
The random functionality
The random functionality allows multiple different pages to be associated with an action button. The user is randomly redirected to one of the pages entered by the content creator.
Tourisme Vallée-du-Richelieu uses this functionality behind an action button titled "Surprise Me" for tourists who are unsure of what activity to do or who have difficulty choosing. Without the tourist feeling overwhelmed by all the activities offered, they discover one at a time. They can choose to go fishing, take the Handfield ferry, or continue clicking the "Surprise Me" button to discover other activity ideas that inspire them further.