
Add a digital quiz to an exhibition with the Cosmodôme de Laval

General public
Qr code

Playing with the Blue Planet

The Cosmodôme de Laval offers its visitors a permanent exhibition, activities and temporary exhibits. In its latest exhibition, “Objectif Terre” (Objective Earth), a quiz was created to accompany visitors in their discovery.

Interactivity in all its forms

At the start of the exhibition, a cartel enhanced with a QR code and an NFC chip invites visitors to discover a quiz. Right from the start, the Cosmodôme announces that all the answers can be found in the exhibition, encouraging visitors to take a close look at the various elements that make it up.

The quiz contains 8 questions to test your knowledge. They take the form of multiple-choice questions, true or false, or combinations. The quiz is accompanied by photos and anecdotes.


Scan or click the code to see a sample

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