Enhancing a physical experience through the addition of digital elements

Valuing its members
Located in Montérégie, the tourist route of the 'Circuit du Paysan' is an organization that brings together nearly 73 farmers. For almost 23 years, it has highlighted its members through social networks and by offering thematic microcircuits on its website.
While some visitors discover the farmers through the 'Circuit du Paysan,' others visit them without knowing about the organization and its members. The goal was to capture and inform this clientele.
Adding information through digital means
To achieve this, the organization's team had the idea of using the MySmartJourney digital solution. They installed panels enriched with QR codes at participating farmers' locations. Behind the QR code, visitors can learn more about a member through text, a quiz, and an action button redirecting them to the 'Circuit du Paysan' website.
Most importantly, they added a section that invites visitors to discover two other farmers in the vicinity, redirecting them to an information sheet and integrating a Google map with the route between the two farmers.