
La Courgerie trains its employees digitally

Innovate and test
Digital transformation
Employee operations
General public
Qr code

Reusing technology for other purposes

In the Courgerie store, displays enhanced with QR codes are installed on the shelves. They accompany customers in their choice of products and give them additional information about them.

But Pascale Coutu has found another use for these “tablet gossips”.

Empowering employees

The co-owner of La Courgerie also had the idea of using these displays to train her employees. With the information contained behind each QR code, the store's employees find all the information they need to pass on to their customers.

According to Pascale, since the installation of these displays, she has no longer needed to be systematically called to answer customers' questions, since her employees have all the necessary information at their fingertips.


Scan or click the code to see a sample

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