
Le Mans highlights its history

Mediation tactics
Innovate and test
General public
In town
Tour / Journey
Qr code
Key code

Unknown riches

The French metropolis of Le Mans is well known to racing fans and business people alike. But what do we know about this city, apart from its convention centers and racetracks?

Interactive signs to discover the area

By installing interactive points at strategic locations, Le Mans revealed its secrets to the public. All that was needed was to catch the eye with eye-catching, polished signage featuring MySmartJourney technology. The various stations were deployed in public places to draw people to nearby attractions, and give them the opportunity to take in the breadth of Le Mans' cultural offering.

The Musée Tessé, for example, right in the heart of the city center, holds surprises no one would expect at first glance. Among them: an Egyptian gallery reproducing the tomb of Nefertari, and presenting 250 art and everyday objects. Strollers who pass the museum and scan the poster can get a foretaste of the exhibitions and plan a visit to this surprising institution.

Signposting, providing additional information, inviting discovery and interactive participation are just some of the roles played today by the MySmartJourney trail in the heart of the Le Mans Metropolis. It's a win-win situation for everyone: the city, its residents and tourists, and the various attractions!


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