
Searching for clues with family at the Pulperie de Chicoutimi

Treasure hunt
Qr code

Playing during the school break

During the March 2022 school break, the Pulperie de Chicoutimi came up with the idea of offering a family activity at the museum. While the activity could take various forms, its team chose to prioritize digital and contactless options to accompany the exploration of the establishment's spaces.

A clue hunt

In the form of a search for clues, the activity "Keep an Eye Out, History Awaits!" invites participants to wander through the spaces of the Pulperie. Posters enhanced with QR codes are scattered in different locations, inviting scanning. Through 13 diverse quizzes, families learn more about the history of the place, its creators, and are encouraged to observe in more details the various museum exhibitions.

Visitors might find themselves solving riddles, figuring out the correct answer in combinations, or carefully observing their surroundings. The correct answer then leads them to a clue to find the next poster.

The activity was so successful among visitors that the Pulperie de Chicoutimi chose to make it permanent.


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La Pulperie de Chicoutimi propose une nouvelle exposition ludique

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La La Pulperie de Chicoutimi / Musée régional a lancé une recherche d’indices en famille dans le musée avec les codes QR pendant la relâche.

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