
Treasure hunt at home with Tijeu Niaiseux

Rapid deployment
Innovate and test
Sanitary measures
On object
Treasure hunt
Qr code
At random

In the comfort of your own home

It was during the COVID-19 pandemic, and more specifically during the first lockdown in March 2020, that the MySmartJourney team came up with an activity for children aged 4 to 9: a treasure hunt to be done at home.

8 new friends to find

The company has created 8 characters with distinct colors and personalities. Enhanced with a QR code, these cardboard characters are hidden around the house. Children then go on the hunt to find them. Once the cards have been found, children can scan them to reveal ever-changing content.

Each character has its own personality and appropriate content. The Melomaniac will focus on music, while the Ti-Comique makes jokes. There's also the Blessed, the Curious Eclectic, the Sportsman, the Scientist, the Explorer and finally the Ecologist. The content is sourced from the web and changes every time a child scans. They have been carefully selected. The criteria for the content were respectful, fun, non-genre, educational and playful. This is what we call web curation.


Scan or click the code to see a sample

More about this project


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